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IMPORTANT: Watch This Short Video For How to Access the Roundtable Registration

Pre-Registration Requirements:

Thank you for your interest in taking part in our roundtable conference.

To be part of our select group of 10 IT leaders, we want to know a little bit more about you, so we can make this conference of maximal use for you.

We want to create a highly effective master mind of CEOs, CIOs, CTOs and other IT leaders – to be in a space where you are not only able to safely share your opinions – but where you’re inspired, so you can arrive at even better ideas, than you would on your own.

You will be thinking after all, with another 10 sharp minds, like yourself – and be part of a network that ordinarily you may not have a chance to mastermind with.

We hope that in the long run, this may even be a space where you can forge new business partnership, and why not, even new friendships…

As such, we have sent to the email with which you registered here, 3 simple questions. Please reply to this email that was sent to you, with your answers.

Your answers are kept strictly confidential, and once we review your response, there’s three possible outcomes:

  1. One – You’re in, and we will send you to the registration and payment page. From there, you’ll receive access to your private portal, get immediate access to the bonus resources of our program, and where you will vote on the best time for when to attend this mastermind with us all.

  2. Two – The other response you may receive, is a deferral recommendation. We do these roundtables regularly, and in certain cases, if we see an emerging pattern, we will recommend to you to take part in the next upcoming event, because the issues that you identified, is a primary focus for others as well. This may provide you with better masterminding opportunities, at a later time.

    However, this is just a recommendation, and you can override our recommendation. If you like to be part of our upcoming roundtable regardless, we will forward you to the registration page, like in scenario before. The only time this will not be possible however, is if the mastermind is already full. In this case, you’ll be first in line in our next roundtable.

  3. Or three – In certain rare cases, we may consider that this conference will not be of any major use to you, and that you’re best off to save you time and money..

So these are the 3 scenarios.

All in all, we use your responses, in order to better serve you and to ensure that we share our best resources with you, for the problems and challenges that you currently face in your organization.

So please complete your answers, and I look forward to reading you responses.

Take care.

Check Your eMail Now:

Note: Your email should come instantly, but in certain cases, it may take a few minutes to arrive. If it’s not there, have a look at your promotions folder if using Gmail and/ or related folders. Last, check your spam folders. (If the later case, please mark the email as ‘not spam’ so our email is delivered directly in your inbox.)

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