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Align Your Motivational System So You Choose to Do the Good Things You Know You Should Do, Now!

Spend 40 Days With Three Titan Thinkers from the Age of Enlightenment
To Deeply Align With the Highest Vision For Your Life

About the iLifeChange Experiment:

The iLifeChange Experiment is a unique 40-day incubation, where one day at a time, day by day, we exercise how to be motivated by the highest ways of being. We habitualize being motivated at a whole new level.

Inside the iLifeChange Experiment we install or upgrade our motivational O.S., in line our highest values – from where all great leadership emerges.

This 40-day program will change the Operational System of what happiness means to you, at a gut level.

Together, we shift our motivations away from the ‘aesthetic realm’ – from the level of pleasure seeking/ pain avoidance and the accompanying ‘reactive opportunism’ – and onto the realm of the ethical, and the pursuit of greater meaning.

How? For 40 continuous days, we undertake 40 sequential experiments derived from the ‘Three Titans’ from the Age of Enlightenments, and their insights for what it takes to live a meaningful life.

For 40 days we immerse ourselves in a series of meditations upon our values and vision (designed from the works of Kierkegaard, Kant and Rousseau and what they grappled with during their lifetimes).

Live, (or via replays) over the period of 40 days, we will spend 30-60 minutes each day to:

  • Exercise our faculty of reason in pursuit of truth;
  • Exercise our faculty of imagination in appreciation of beauty;
  • Exercise our faculty of will in choosing the good;
  • Exercise our faculty of awareness in knowing our being.

We’ll exercise our higher faculties upon our highest values, so that day-by-day, our thoughts, feeling and actions in kind, are organically realigned.

It will be like having a Chilla Nashini, but at home. For 40 days we’ll exercise our highest four faculties – the active ingredients behind all meaningful and lasting changes in life – in order to strengthen our value system and personal vision.

This 40-day incubation process is most essential. Just like with an embryo in an egg, it’s through this process of incubation, that we will transform the way we are motivated, in line with our highest good.

So let’s get started.

The cost of this entire program is not $10,000, nor $5,000, nor even $1000!

Because we are a non-profit organization, the entire cost is just $795!

So join us inside the iLifeChange Experiment.

Together, we will change in a meaningful way, the way we’re motivated. As such, the good things that you know you ought to do, (but often don’t), these will become easier and easier for you.

Your satisfaction is guaranteed for 30 days after the program starts.

So let’s strengthen our four highest faculties. Let’s tap into the greatest power on Earth – our deep-seated want for greater meaning.

Don’t wait. Like Emerson once put it,

“Make the most of yourself,
for that is all there is of you!”

For one thing is for certain – this will be one of the most important adventures of your life!

Enroll In the iLifeChange Experiment Now.

A 40-Day at Home Intensive to Re-Form Your Happiness Motivations

Change Your Life By Daily Strengthening Your Four Highest Faculties Upon the Total Good

Participate Live With Other Likeminded Self-Actualizers and Author John Angheli

Wednesday 8th of May 2024 @ 9AM AEST (Sydney/ Melbourne)
OR Tuesday 4PM PST (Los Angeles) | 7PM EST (New York)
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